Most couples have experienced times in their relationship where they were asking themselves whether the relationship was worth continuing, or if it would be better to end the relationship and move on. Human beings tend to be very sensitive, somewhat irrational creatures, and this is never more true than in the case of interpersonal relationships.
While marriage is a time honored, and often beautiful custom, it is much more difficult to dissolve a relationship cemented by matrimony than a relationship not so encumbered. Divorce is often a painful, expensive, depressing ordeal. Breaking up is (almost) always hard to do, and this is doubly true for married couples.
While in some cases there is no hope of reconciling, many, if not most divorces happen before an appropriate amount of effort has been directed toward reconciliation. After all, this person you are considering severing bonds with was once the apple of your eye. Try to remember what it was you admired about your spouse the day you proposed. Does her/she still possess that quality or attribute? Is that quality still as important to you as it was then?
If the answer to both of these questions is “Yes”, then you owe it to yourself, and your spouse, to at least consider taking steps toward reconciliation. Marriage counseling, by a trained professional or perhaps a clergy member, is often a very effective method of determining if the two of you have something worth saving or if indeed it is time to sever ties and go your separate ways.